If you're interested in serving on the Board of Directors or one of our committees, please fill out a SELF-NOMINATION FORM.
Self-nominations for At-Large BOD positions and committee positions are accepted any time. If there are not openings, the applicant's information is kept on file. Self-nominations for member-elected BOD positions are accepted in the Spring of the election year. Included on this page is the process each application is vetted with. See the committee information on this page to view current openings, responsibilities, and time commitments.
Elected in Spring 2025 (2-Year Terms)
Elected in Spring 2026 (2-Year Terms)
At-Large Positions
* - Serves as a Committee Chair
Currently 3 openings.
Concerned with budgets and overall financial operations. Chaired by the Board Treasurer. Meets more frequently in late Winter & Spring to develop budgets for the following year.
Currently no openings.
Mainly responsible for addressing appeals filed by a member who has received a sanction. Does not meet outside of formal appeals hearings unless necessary.
Currently 1 opening.
Responsible for developing and maintaining policies & procedures surrounding junior girls' programming in the region. Emphasis on ensuring small and rural clubs are represented equally. Must include an official & actively seeks independent contractor input. Meets approximately every 6 weeks, on weeknights, for 1-2 hours each meeting. Members responsible for gathering feedback and ideas outside of formal meeting settings.
Currently 2 openings.
Responsible for the growth and development of junior boys' volleyball in the region. Members are expected to bring ideas for grassroots programming and building events. Committee meets approximately every 6 weeks and members should expect to spend time outside of meetings working to further grow the game.
Currently 2 openings.
Responsible for the grassroots development and growth of the adult volleyball community in the region, including event management. Members should expect to play an active role in building and running tournaments when scheduled. Committee actively seeks members not tied to junior clubs when possible.
Currently 1 opening.
Charged with developing and maintaining policies for the Officials' Division within CEVA. Working with the office staff, the committee oversees operations within the officials' cadre. Includes the region's Referee Chair, Scorekeeping Chair, and Officials' Mentorship Coordinator. Should include officials from various USAV ratings. Members will spend time outside of meetings helping to recruit and grow the cadre.
Applications continuously accepted.
The committee is responsible for development and implementation of best practices to ensure the region is creating an inclusive and safe environment for all participants. Members will be asked to participate in philanthropic and engagement opportunities outside of committee meetings, including on weekends.
Currently 3 openings.
Committee is responsible for recruiting and vetting potential candidates for the Board of Directors and standing committees. Responsible for coordination of the general election process each Spring (in conjunction with the office). Members should expect to be tasked with recruitment and networking outside of meetings. Must include three non-Board members.
If interested - e-mail alix@cevaregion.org
This committee is looking for ways to increase the region's presence in the outdoor and beach games. Works with existing beach promotors to grow participation.
If interested - e-mail cody@cevaregion.org
Focused on fundraising, grant-seeking, sponsorship acquisition. Committee will focus on increasing and diversifying income streams for the region to further bolster our operational, programming, and diversity & inclusion efforts.